6-13 juil. 2017 Paris (France)

Ecole d'été

Les 6 et 7 juillet, des cours introductifs (6x2h) auront lieu à l'Institut Henri Poincaré, dans la salle 201 (2e étage).


Jeudi 6 juillet :

9h-11h : Jalal  Shatah
The role of resonances in dispersive PDEs

11h-13h : Yasunori Maekawa
Introduction to the theory of sectorial operators and semigroups

15h-17h : Jacob  Bedrossian
Landau damping: old and new


Vendredi 7 juillet : 

9h-11h : Vladimir Sverak
On some PDE issues arising in connection with vortex filaments

Abstract: In the PDE analysis of the incompressible Euler equation,
many interesting problems arise in connection with a particular class
of solutions for which the vorticity is concentrated on or near small
sets (points in 2d or lines in 3d). The lecture can be thought of as
an introduction to some special problems in this area.

11h-13h : Pierre Raphael
On singularity formation in nonlinear PDEs, a brief overview.

15h-17h : Frédéric Rousset
Navier boundary layers and rough boundaries

Personnes connectées : 1